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"The Importance of Having a Company Website: Exploring the Benefits and Drawbacks"

Updated: May 4

An image with the text "websites, Why Your Company Needs One and Why You Dont!", along with images representing different aspects of a website

Websites are a huge part of a company's public image. With the advances in technology and the moving into the digital age, one of the first impressions that potential clients and current clients will get is from your website. One of the biggest questions that small businesses ask themself is "Do I need to have a website"? Your company may not sell anything online and may already have some success, but that does not mean a website would not benefit you further.

The majority of businesses and companies will know that online presence can be crucial during this digital age. Even if you use social media for the majority of your advertising needs, it does not necessarily mean it should replace having a website. The question to ask yourself is when should you have a website and when is it not necessary?

Your company should definitely have a website

There are a large number of reasons to have a website to represent your company. One of the most important reasons to have a website is to create a presence. As mentioned previously, having an online presence in this digital age can make or break a company. If a potential client cannot see you then you have lost a potential sale. The presence of a website allows you to be seen around the world. When a customer finds your company, they may want to know more about you. A website can help with this by building trust. A website can show people your history, experience and specialties. The more people know about a company and what they can provide, the more comfortable hiring them they will be.

When a potential customer is seeking a product or service, one of the first things most people do is search for it on Google or another search engine. A website utilizes SEO which enables you to be listed on search engines. This makes it easier for your company to be found by the use of keywords and meta tags. If your website has SEO incorporated then when keywords used in your business is searched for, you will appear in the results. Having a website that is setup with SEO and metatags will make your company look more professional. When it comes to an online presence, a company can use either a website or social media. However, anyone can set up a Facebook page in a matter of minutes, whereas a website will provide more credibility. One of the reasons for this is that, unlike social media, having a company website is not free so it shows you are more serious and dedicated to your business.

No matter what you want your company and online presence to do, a website allows you to display everything in one place. Your website can have media content, blogs, contact information and even sell products all clearly laid out and easy to find. From your website you can display news about your company, but also give the option for customers to sign up to a newsletter. Having this two-way communication method will make it easier for you to learn about your customers, which can then help to grow a deeper connection which will result in loyalty to your brand.

One of the biggest reasons that someone will choose a company is because of reviews from customers. Your website can display testimonials. This is a great tool for building proof of great customer service and range of services. These testimonials tell potential customers what your current customers think of the way you treated them. These can be linked from external sources or gathered on your website directly. If a potential client sees a well organised website with good reviews, it encourages contact from them. A website can have a simple contact form, so the user does not need to find an email address, open their email and compose a message from there. You can also have a social media bar to make it simple for people to contact you through your chosen platforms.

There are many other reasons for having a website, but since the blog is getting long, I will end the section here. If you are still unsure after reading this blog, then you are very welcome to contact us to discuss it further.

The Exception to the Rule

As you will have read above, there are many reasons to have a website. There are fewer reasons why you would not need a website, but those reasons will be outlined in this section.

For a number of reasons, you may be happy with the size of your company. A website is ideal for people wanting to make their business bigger, but some people may not want to do that. For example, if a person is approaching retirement, then they may not want to take on extra work. You may not be retiring but you may have enough leads. If you have a lot of clients but have a small or independent business, then you may not want to overwork yourself. You may have a loyal following providing you with enough work for you to handle, if this is the case then that's great. A website may not be for you.

If you are starting out or struggling with your business, then your budget may be tight. Websites are not free. As well as having the design of the website created, you have to pay for a domain name and hosting. If you're struggling this is something that you may not be able to do at the moment. If your company is struggling financially, then it will probably be the case that you are not hiring anytime in the near future. When someone is applying for a job, the majority of them will look at your website to see what you do and if they believe they would be a good fit for your company.

The biggest reason in this age for a company not having a website would be the fact that social media is huge. This is often good enough for small independent physical companies. For example, most cafes or coffee shops will have a social media presence, but not all of them will have a website. While on the subject of small independent physical companies, the last reason I can think of for not having a website for your company is you serve a small, local community. If all of your work and all your clients are local, then a website may not be required to reach out to them. Word of mouth can be a very effective tool in business, especially in smaller communities.


At the end of the day your business and company belong to you. If people tell you that you need a website, or people say you don't need one, simply do not listen. It is your decision to do what you believe is best for your business. While through this blog and external research you will find that the reasons to have a website will far outweigh the reasons not to have one, it is your call at the end of the day.

If you think you would benefit from having a new website built, or if yours is not reaching its full potential, then we at Bespoke Branding and Marketing would be happy to discuss it with you. If you are unsure then we are happy to talk through it until you come to a decision.

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